Thursday, November 4, 2010

I woke up from a scary dream, & something dawned on me

So yesterday was kind of a tough day, though it didn't occur to me at the time as to why -- until I woke up from a bad dream I'd had last night...
I dreamed I was in the middle of a huge lake doing the back float, and then I realized I had to get to shore. Panicked and alone -- with no one around to rescue me, I started making my way. But I was so freaked out by the darkness, the deep gross mud and the unknown beneath the murky surface. I really didn't want to do this, but I knew I had to, so I kept going forward -- little by little. Getting stuck numerous times along the way, and cursing my fate, but continuing. Not giving up.
And I made it to shore. A little shaken and worse for wear, but still in tact. And hey, I made it, didn't I? That's something.
Lying awake this morning I thought about the dream's meaning. It dawned on me; I was being too hard on myself this week, while dealing with a challenge. That's what was going on. Instead of being patient and sympathetic, I'd been hard on myself and totally rude.
The dream allowed me to watch me going through --literally-- "shit" on my own, and making it to shore. Maybe not liking it along the whole uncertain and scary way, but doing it, and succeeding, at that.
I realize that many times, when I'm dealing with challenges in my life, my default is to be way too hard on myself while doing it. Having unneeded expectations and pressure, and not being patient and trusting enough of myself.
My dream gave me a little much needed clue - watching myself as if it wasn't me. Would I ever be that tough on someone else? No way. If I saw someone being judged so harshly, I'd certainly step in. I thought about what I'd say...
"Hey -- Why are you being so tough on such a well meaning person? What did she ever do to you anyway? At least she's trying - her ass off! And often succeeding, I might add, so give her a frickin' break why don't ya? She may not have every step of the way figured out just yet, but who does?
I'm going to attempt to remind myself of this when being too tough on myself. We all do it sometimes. Remind myself just who I'm picking on...think about the authenticity of me-- who I am as a human being. And I won't be afraid to step in, like I would to any bully, and defend myself. I deserve a break. We all do. :)

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