Sunday, October 31, 2010

Falling leaves... Finding awareness

I shot these pictures Thursday, in the Cloisters, NY. It was a perfect fall day, with the sun warm and shining, the temp around 72 degrees and the leaves bright and falling through the air.

Reminded of me of this article I recently read, titled "Learning to Exhale," by Catherine Price, in Oprah Magazine. It was about this woman's exploration of meditation, in her quest to live a more aware life. After practicing daily meditation, she discovered each day is dense with experiences, that can often go unnoticed--the breeze against her skin, the play of light on the grass, the sound of her husband's laugh--and she said if she wants to stretch out time, all she needs to do is notice them.

Her goal is to avoid cruising through life as if on autopilot, too consumed by daily routine to notice the world. To be aware and mindful of her experiences and simple pleasures that life brings daily.

At the end of the article is a saying from meditation expert, Dr. Kabat-Zinn that sums up the significance of awareness:

"Mindfulness is about living your life as if it really mattered. Both figuratively and literally, we only have moments to live."

Beautiful, isn't it?

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