Monday, September 6, 2010

Bonjour de Paris!

Bonjour everyone!
We are in Paris and loving it. We arrived yesterday (Sunday), a bit jet lagged but besides that -- great & excited to finally be here. I honestly didn't know what to expect from our house-swap leap of faith. I was a bit nervous and very curious to see where we'd be living for a month, so after arriving at our new address via plane, train and automobile (taxi), and dragging our (HUGE) luggage up the four story walk up, I was SO happy to find this (see pic - we're the top 4 open windows with the curtains hanging out) charming, classically Parisian apartment awaiting us --Score!! It has beautiful huge windows that overlook the park and the apartment is full of light and very comfortable. Perfect for us really.Yesterday we unpacked, relaxed and napped -- then went out exploring for dinner. We found "Cafe Tuscany" right around the corner, where we had un verre de vin rouge (transl: glass of red wine -- I'm practicing my french).
From there the waiter told us we should walk to the 5th arrondissment and get dinner there. We happened upon "La Bella Angela" (great name) and had a delicious margarita pizza & une bouteille de vin du pays (attempted transl: local french red wine, I hope? Lol)Today we got cafe au lait at a local coffee shop to attempt to order my daily dose of iced coffee, which I haven't had in nearly 48 hours. So "Parle vous anglais?" we asked..."Non" our waiter responds with a smile -- plus we left our translation book at home -- so I tried my best with, "Un cafe au lait avec des glacons?" He nods, and returns with one glass of ice plus two delicious French hot coffees. Oh well :).
Then we went to the market and got micro greens, eggs, onion, tomatoes, ham, creme fraise and french bread, and came home and had this for lunch.

Paris, mon amour...:)

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