Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Who says you can't go home?

Home is such an irreplaceable feeling... There is a sense of tranquility, peace and deep comfort here that no other place in the world evokes.
It's funny because growing up in a tiny town in the middle of Iowa may have felt a little bit oppressive at the time... but coming back 10 years later I realize just how lucky I was to be raised here.
What an amazing feeling of community this place has... a place where people all truly care about each other... they want to know about you, and you about them. You find that you can relate on so many unspoken levels, and making genuine conversation with friends or complete strangers seems effortless. These experiences are so hard to come by elsewhere in the world, yet day after day you find them happening at home.
This past week has been such a beautiful one, reminding very clearly that the answer is yes, you can go home.

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